Whatever you think of his poetry, there’s no denying that all Scots have one thing to thank Rabbie for. Quite simply, the bard brings a welcome and guilt-free knees-up to an otherwise dreich January. Respite from the post-Christmas dark days and all that self-denial. So, get together with some pals, buy yourselves a haggis, and raise a glass to the farmer poet on 25 January. Or, if you want to mark the event with a day or a night out, here are our top picks!


You'll spot Robert the Bruce on your Bannockburn drive thru
You’ll spot Robert the Bruce on your Bannockburn drive thru
Celebrate with a traditional Burns Supper at Stirling's stunning University campus
Celebrate with a traditional Burns Supper at Stirling’s stunning University campus

Burns Supper Drive Thru at the Battle of Bannockburn Centre

No need to book – just ‘drive thru’ at a time that suits! Enjoy a Burns Supper with a twist at the first-ever Bannockburn Burns Supper Drive Thru. Drive into Bannockburn, order and then enjoy in the comfort of your own car or take away. You may even happen across a bit of poetry or a song on the way. The Burns Haggis Supper features haggis, champit neeps and mashed tatties with a whisky sauce, followed by a Tunnock’s Teacake, all washed down with a can of Irn Bru for £6.50. There are veggie options too, and the kids might prefer the haggis bon bons or chicken goujons with skinny fries. From 3.30 on Saturday 25. For directions and more info: https://www.nts.org.uk/visit/places/bannockburn

Burns Night at the Kilted Kangaroo

For an informal and fun Burns Night in genial company, head to the Kilted Kangaroo Bar in Stirling City Centre to celebrate Scotland’s fondest son. Tickets are £21.50 include a three course menu, piper and dram. For info: https://www.facebook.com/events/the-kilted-kangaroo/burns-night-kilted-kangaroo/463948674267173/

Burns Supper and Ceilidh at the University of Stirling

Head to the stunning University Campus on 24 January for a more formal celebration of Scottish culture to commemorate the life and work of Robert Burns. An evening of traditional food and drink, poetry and Scottish dancing. Book now – this event has sold out for the last 7 years! For tickets: https://www.stir.ac.uk/events/calendar-of-events/2020/january/burns-supper-and-ceilidh/

Burns events at The Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh                       

The Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh loves celebrating Burns in real depth, and is well worth the one-hour train hop from Stirling. Check out these inspiring events.

Telling the Big Tale: On 18 January, head to the City for ‘Tam O’Shanter – Telling the Big Tale’. Donald Smith shares his lifelong quest to understand the poem and do it justice in that ever-elusive perfect telling. Suitable for those wishing to understand Burns’ defining work, as well as those focussed on performing or interpreting his work artistically. A mighty challenge packed with fun, and do hurry for tickets.

Café Ceilidh: Contrastingly, on 21 January, join friends from the Scots Music Group for an afternoon session of traditional songs, music, poems and stories celebrating Scotland’s national poet. It’s held in the relaxed setting of the Storytelling Court, and is free, non-ticketed and all are welcome to listen or bring a tune for a turn!

Supper with Burns: Enjoy an alternative Burns Supper in the beautiful setting of the Storytelling Court, serving up a delicious 3-course Scottish dinner – with the centre piece haggis – and a generous helping of Burns’s stories, song and lore. Hosted by storytellers David Campbell and Ruth Kirkpatrick, with clarsach player Katie Harrigan. Hurry to book: only two dates, 23 or 24 January.

Burns for Brunch: On 25 January, the Netherbow Theatre welcomes Robert Burns as he awakes in Auld Reekie 2020 sharing his thoughts, poems and songs, casting a satiric eye around his Scotland and ours. For 14+ and hurry for tickets!

The Ceilidh House Tam O’Shanter: You’ll receive a warm welcome on 25 January to the Burns Night Ceilidh House, where people meet to dance, sing, play music and share stories. Enjoy a special improvised ceilidh telling of Tam O’ Shanter in a friendly, lively, and enjoyable setting, with the chance to participate or just to sit back and enjoy the fun!

For all events above held at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, see: https://www.scottishstorytellingcentre.com/

A wee dram, the traditional tipple for Burns Night
A wee dram: a traditional tipple for Burns Night
Choose from a number of events to celebrate Burns Night at the Scottish Storytelling Centre
Choose from a number of events to celebrate Burns Night at the Scottish Storytelling Centre
Photo credits:

  • Scottish Storytelling Centre: Image supplied by their media centre
  • Nicky Tams Bar & Bothy: Photo reproduced with permission of Nicky Tams